Addressing mental health concerns in men Mental health has long been a subject that’s been stigmatized and misunderstood. Unfortunately, societal expectations and traditional gender roles have contributed to a culture where men, in particular, feel pressured to remain stoic, strong, and silent when it comes to their emotional well-being. However, it’s crucial that we challenge...
Depression in men – CBT Kenya Understanding how men in our society are brought up to behave is particularly important in identifying and treating their depression. Depression in men often can be traced to cultural expectations. Men are supposed to be successful. They should rein in their emotions. They must be in control. These cultural...
Men’s mental health awareness – CBT Kenya Surveys from around the world show that men everywhere find it difficult to open up about mental health, though they are significantly more at risk of attempting suicide than women. Numerous researchers have recently stated that there is a silent crisis in men’s mental health. This is based...
Here’s What To Expect At Your Therapy Session At CBT-Kenya Maybe you are having marital problems, or trouble sleeping at night. Maybe you are unhappy at your job, or you have been laid off and need some guidance in figuring out how to navigate this new phase of your life. Or, it could be that...
6 Reasons Why I Stayed In An Abusive Marriage – CBT Kenya Guilt, shame, fear and intimidation are the weapons of choice for abusers. I was pinned to the ground. One of his hands covering my mouth, the other strangling me. My screams were embarrassing him and I was waking up the neighbours. It was...
How To Identify Stages of Alcohol Addiction-CBT Kenya There are five stages of alcoholism that a person will go through before he or she can be classed as an alcoholic. Knowing the signs and symptoms of each stage can aid you in seeking help before your problem turns into dependence and addiction. 1.Experimenting: The first stage of...
Stages of Alcoholism – CBT Kenya Do you have a drinking problem? It is hard for some people to imagine how alcohol could be problematic. For most individuals, alcohol is something to be enjoyed with family and friends, and many of their social activities revolve around eating and drinking But alcohol is a nervous system...
How can I survive my pregnancy loss? CBT Kenya Eight out of ten pregnancies end in miscarriage, the loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week. Even though miscarriage is a common occurrence; it is an undoubtedly painful, sad and lonely experience. Getting over a miscarriage can be very difficult. A positive pregnancy test brings...