Internet addiction is a behavioral addiction marked by a compulsive desire to perform one or more online activities, including gaming, social media, or browsing. There’s no question that use of electronic devices is extremely widespread. Much of work life, schoolwork, social life, and recreation is now conducted via computer. Spending a lot of time on the internet seems to have become normal behavior, especially for adolescents. Much of their social activity has simply moved online. Like any new technology, the computer has changed the way everyone lives, learns, and communicates.
Do you play video games on the Internet in excess? Are you compulsively shopping online? Can’t physically stop checking Facebook? Is your excessive computer use interfering with your daily life – relationships, work, school? Addiction is generally understood to be a mental disorder involving compulsive behavior. When someone is constantly online, they may be described as addicted to it.
If you feel that you or your loved one may be at risk for Internet addiction, there are steps you can take to lower your risk and maintain healthy habits surrounding Internet use.
It isn’t necessary to quit using the Internet altogether. Professional treatment aims to allow the person to use the Internet positively rather than compulsively. Internet addiction seems to respond well to cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). This type of therapy focuses on changing patterns of thinking and beliefs that are associated with and trigger anxiety. The basis of cognitive behavior therapy is that beliefs trigger thoughts, which then trigger feelings and produce behaviours. Consult with your doctor for further information and referral.
CBT-Kenya (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-Kenya) counseling center offers counseling and therapy sessions for persons from all walks of life. We focus on helping clients gain insight into themselves by going through a healing process. Our purpose is to help you to achieve your therapeutic and life goals, to improve the quality of your life and to help you to build strong relationships in your life. Get in touch or book an appointment on +254 739 935 333, +254 756 454 585 or