Depression is one of the most prevalent mood disorders, in which there is a persistent feeling of hopelessness and a generalized loss of interest in activities, which can lead to various problems. However, recurrent brief-depression lasts for a specified period. This episode of depression primarily affects a specific period or aspect of people’s thinking, behavior, and feelings, which can lead to a variety of solutions.
Whatever be the mode of treatment, one must realize that recurrent depression requires long term treatment and dropping off the treatment schedule mid-way would only do more harm than good. One must never stop the medications of therapies without the permission of the doctor.
Here are some things they may help:
Almost everyone who has had at least one episode of depression is susceptible to relapse. Usually traumatic conditions like loss or death of a loved one, chronic disease, failures in personal or professional life, and financial difficulties can trigger a recurrent episode of depression. Several clinical trials also suggest that people may be genetically pre-disposed to recurrent depressive disorder.
Whatever be the cause, it is essential to understand that a person suffering from recurrent depression is not suffering from the condition because “(s)he wants to” or because “(s)he is mentally weak.” Recurrent depression is a mental illness in which, the person suffering has no or little control, so do not shun the person away (that would only worsened the condition) rather give all the support and care that patient deserves and help him/her cope with the disabling condition.
If you think you may be suffering from a depression relapse, reach out to your doctor or therapist. Recurrent depression is common and nothing for you to be ashamed of. Whatever be the mode of treatment, one must realize that recurrent depression requires long term treatment and dropping off the treatment schedule mid-way would only do more harm than good. One must never stop the medications of therapies without the permission of the doctor.
CBT-Kenya (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-Kenya) counseling center offers counseling and therapy sessions for persons from all walks of life. We focus on helping clients gain insight into themselves by going through a healing process. Our purpose is to help you to achieve your therapeutic and life goals, to improve the quality of your life and to help you to build strong relationships in your life. Get in touch or book an appointment on +254 739 935 333, +254 756 454 585 or